The PASSENGER STOP ASSIGNMENT specialises STOP ASSIGNMENT to allocate a SCHEDULED STOP POINT to a specific STOP PLACE; it may also state a QUAY (NeTEx also accepts BOARDING POSITION, but they are not used in EPIP).
PassengerStopAssignment – XML Element
Classification | Name | Type | Cardinality | Description |
::> | ::> | StopAssignment | ::> | PASSENGER STOP ASSIGNMENT inherits from STOP ASSIGNMENT. |
«PK» | id | PassengerStopAssignmentIdType | 1:1 | Identifier of PASSENGER STOP ASSIGNMENT. |
«FK» | StopPlaceRef | StopPlaceRef | 1:1 | Reference to STOP PLACE to which the SCHEDULED STOP POINT is assigned. |
«FK» | QuayRef | QuayRef | 0:1 | Reference to a QUAY within the STOP PLACE to which the SCHEDULED STOP POINT is assigned. |
«FK» | BoardingPositionRef | BoardingPositionRef | 0:1 | Reference to a BOARDING POSITION with QUAY at STOP PLACE to which the SCHEDULED STOP POINT is assigned. |
«cntd» | trainElements | TrainStopAssignment | 0:* | TRAIN STOP ASSIGNMENTs associated with PASSENGER STOP ASSIGNMENT. These can provide more detailed information about individual BOARDING POSITION and carriage alignments. |