Vehicle journeys and passing times

Journeys and Passing Times (UML)


A VEHICLE JOURNEY is the defined movement of a vehicle using a specified JOURNEY PATTERN on a particular ROUTE. By virtue of being defined for a DAY TYPE, a VEHICLE JOURNEY is a class of journeys that would take place at the same time on each day of a specific DAY TYPE.

There are two main types of VEHICLE JOURNEYs: passenger-carrying SERVICE JOURNEYs and non-service DEAD RUNs used to position vehicles; the EPIP is only concerned with SERVICE JOURNEYs.

A SERVICE JOURNEY is a VEHICLE JOURNEY on which passengers will be allowed to board or alight from vehicles at stops. There are several different possible ways to define SERVICE JOURNEYs, in particular the two following:

  • As the service between an origin and a destination, as advertised to the public

  • As the longest service during which a passenger is allowed to stay on the same vehicle. (Which might encompass several of the above).

A default VEHICLE TYPE may be proposed for a journey, chosen according to the time of day at which a SERVICE JOURNEY takes place, and the ROUTE and JOURNEY PATTERN it covers.

A SERVICE JOURNEY INTERCHANGE describes the scheduled possibility for the transfer of passengers between two SERVICE JOURNEYs at the same or different STOP POINTs and for a pecific STOP POINT IN JOURNEY PATTERN of the SERVICE JOURNEY.

The facilities (grouped in a SERVICE FACILITY SET) available for the SERVICE JOURNEY are also important related information, especially when advertising to the public.

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