Many different types of passenger information systems require data about the planned and actual arrival and departure times of vehicles; usually without requiring access to the detailed scheduling data used to compute them. In the conceptual model, such data is represented in a highly normalised form as PASSING TIMEs. Each PASSING TIME indicates the time of a vehicle at a point in a journey pattern. There can be different types of time (arrival, departure, estimated, observed, etc.)
The PASSING TIMEs that are the result of the scheduling process and to be published in a timetable are called TIMETABLED PASSING TIMEs.
The TIMETABLED PASSING TIMEs are normally generated a long time before the day of operation and are valid over a long period of time (e.g. summer, winter timetable).
An ‘edge’ case that has to be handled with care occurs on an OPERATING DAY when the time of a time zone is changed (i.e. from summer time to winter time and reverse). For the EPIP, the rule is that all the PASSING TIMES of a SERVICE JOURNEY have to be provided using the same reference time: therefore even if the time change is at 2:00 am, the correct sequence of passing times of a journey starting before 2:00 is, for example, 1:45 - 1:55 - 2:05 - 2:15, and not 1:45 - 1:55 - 3:05 - 3:15; nor 1:45 - 1:55 - 1:05 - 1:15.
Also note that some JOURNEYs may be skipped due to the time change: for example, a JOURNEY starting between 2:00 and 3:00 when 1h is added at 2:00 in the morning. As soon as there are no times between 2:00 and 3:00 (at 2:00 the time will immediately become 3:00), a JOURNEY operating in the corresponding OPERATING DAY and having a starting time between 2:00 and 3:00 will have to be ignored in order to realign the schedules. Conversely extra intercalary JOURNEYs may need to be injected when the clocks go back.
PassingTime (Abstract)
A PASSING TIME associates a time with a POINT IN JOURNEY PATTERN. It is specialised to create the different concrete times (TIMETABLED PASSING TIME etc).
PassingTime – XML Element (Abstract)
Classification | Name | Type | Cardinality | Description |
::> | ::> | VersionedChild | ::> | PASSING TIME inherits from VERSIONED CHILD. |
«PK» | id | PassingTimeIdType | 0:1 | Identifier of PASSING TIME. |
«FK» | JourneyRef | JourneyRef | 0:1 | Reference to JOURNEY for which this is a PASSING TIME. |
| AlightAndReboard | xsd:boolean | 1:1 | Number of days that the departure day is after the start day of vehicle journey. Currently not populatet in Austrian NeTEx Profile |
«FK» | PointInJourneyPatternRef | PointInLinkSequenceRef | 0:1 1:1 | POINT IN SEQUENCE for which this is a PASSING TIME. Refer to the SCHEDULE STOP POINT |
Example from the Austrian NeTEx Profile:
TimetabledPassingTime (Subcomponent – Service Journey)
TimetabledPassingTime – XML Element
Classification | Name | Type | Cardinality | Description |
::> | ::> | PassingTime | ::> | TIMETABLED PASSING TIME inherits from PASSING TIME. |
«PK» | id | TimetablePassingTimeIdType | 0:1 | Identifier of TIMETABLE PASSING TIME. |
| ArrivalTime | xsd:time | 0:1 | Arrival time at POINT IN PATTERN. |
| ArrivalDayOffset | DayOffsetType | 0:1 | Number of days after the starting time of the journey if not same calendar day. Default is 0 for same day. Currently not populatet in Austrian NeTEx Profile |
| DepartureTime | xsd:time | 0:1 | Departure time at POINT IN PATTERN. |
| DepartureDayOffset | DayOffsetType | 0:1 | Number of days after the starting time of the journey if not same calendar day. Default is 0 for same day. Currently not populatet in Austrian NeTEx Profile |
Example from the Austrian NeTEx Profile: