The NOTICE Model defines reusable text note elements that may be attached to timetables and other ENTITies as footnotes, used as announcements, etc. NOTICES are associated with entities using a NOTICE ASSIGNMENT. NOTICES may be classified with a TYPE OF NOTICE.
Each NOTICE may have several alternative formats as specified by a DELIVERY VARIANT, or example for displays, print, audio, use in a mobile app, etc.
NOTICEs are actually part of the NeTEx core framework and may be associated with any ENTITY, but are described here in the timetable part of EPIP as their main use in EPIP is to provide footnotes for SERVICE JOURNEYs and GROUPs of services.
Notice (Subcomponent - Multipurpose)
A NOTICE carries additional information for passengers that may help them in planning or executing their trip. Footnotes are one type of NOTICE, a human-understandable text that may be made available in various delivery formats. Using a NOTICE ASSIGNMENT, NOTICEs can be assigned to stops of one service (POINT IN JOURNEY PATTERN), to stops in multiple services (COMMON SECTION), to JOURNEY PATTERNs, to one VEHICLE JOURNEY or more of them (GROUP OF SERVICES) and to INTERCHANGEs. Each NOTICE ASSIGNMENT can be restricted in its validity by specifying a VALIDITY CONDITION.
The same NOTICE can be used in many different NOTICE ASSIGNMENTs.
EPIP limits the use of NOTICE ASSIGNMENTs to SERVICE JOURNEYs, POINTs IN JOURNEY PATTERN (or between a couple of them) and SERVICE JOURNEY INTERCHANGEs. (In wider NeTEx use a NOTICE may be assigned to any ENTITY).
Notice – XML Element
Classification | Name | Type |
| Cardinality | Description |
::> | ::> | DataManagedObject |
| ::> | NOTICE inherits from DATA MANAGED OBJECT. |
«PK» | id | NoticeIdType |
| 1:1 | Identifier of NOTICE. |
| Name | MultilingualString |
| 0:1 | Name of NOTICE. Currently not in use in the Austrian NeTEx Profile |
| ShortName | MultilingualString |
| 0:1 | Short Name of Notice. Use Text for content. +v1.1. Currently not in use in the Austrian NeTEx Profile |
| Text | MultilingualString |
| 0:1 | Content text for NOTICE. |
«AK» | PublicCode | xsd:normalizedString |
| 0:1 | Public code for NOTICE. Currently not in use in the Austrian NeTEx Profile |
«AK» | ShortCode | xsd:normalizedString |
| 1:1 | Short code for NOTICE. Currently not in use in the Austrian NeTEx Profile |
«AK» | PrivateCode | PrivateCode |
| 1:1 | Public Code for NOTICE. |
«FK» | TypeOfNoticeRef | TypeOfNoticeRef |
| 0:1 | Reference to TYPE OF NOTICE. |
Example from the Austrian NeTEx Profile:
NoticeAssigment (Subcomponent - Multipurpose)
The assignment of a NOTICE to an ENTITY. For an ENTITY comprising a sequence of stops (i.e. A LINK SEQUENCE such as JOURNEY PATTERN, a SECTION, or a VEHICLE JOURNEY), it is possible to specifying at which POINT IN JOURNEY PATTERN the validity of the NOTICE starts and ends respectively.
In the EPIP, NoticeAssignments should be embedded in line within the element they annotate, and not placed separately. They may reference a NOTICE already defined in an earlier NOTICE ASSIGNMENT.
NoticeAssignment – XML Element
Classification | Name | Type | Cardinality | Description | |
::> | ::> | DataManagedObject | ::> | NOTICE ASSIGNMENT inherits from DATA MANAGED OBJECT. | |
«PK» | id | TypeOfNoticeAssignmentIdType | 1:1 | Identifier of NOTICE ASSIGNMENT. | |
Assignment group | Name | MultilingualString | 0:1 | Name of ASSIGNMENT. | |
Description | MultilingualString | 0:1 | Description of ASSIGNMENT. | ||
«FK» | a | NoticeRef | NoticeRef | 0:1 | Reference to a NOTICE i.e. footnote, note, announcement or other informational text element. |
«FK» | b | GroupOfNoticesRef | GeneralGroupOfEntitiesRef | 0:1 | A group of NOTICEs held in a GENERAL GROUP OF ENTITies. |
| c | Notice | Notice | 0:1 | A note or footnote about any aspect of a service, e.g. an announcement, notice, etc. May have different DELIVERY VARIANTs for different media. Always prefer the Notice to the NoticeRef (only use NoticeRef for shared Notices). |
«FK» | NoticedObjectRef | VersionOfObjectRef | 0:1 | Object with which NOTICE is associated. If given by context can be omitted. | |
«FK» | LinkSequenceRef | LinkSequenceRef | 0:1 | Reference to a LINK SEQUENCE. | |
«FK» | SectionRef | SectionRef | 0:1 | Reference to a SECTION. | |
«FK» | StartPointInPatternRef | PointInSequenceRef | 0:1 | POINT at which applicability of NOTICE starts. | |
«FK» | EndPointInPatternRef | PointInSequenceRef | 0:1 | POINT at which applicability of NOTICE ends. If absent same as Start Point. |
Example from the Austrian NeTEx Profile: